Hamamjy Academic Coaching is located in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Having helped students and leaders transform and thrive in this hub of innovation, a simple approach is taken for success. We integrate industry insights about the educational sector with a personalized approach to solve complex and dynamic individual challenges our students face.

What Exactly Is Academic Coaching?
Academic Coaching is an inquiry-based approach to personal and educational development that is aimed at creating awareness, generating action, and facilitating learning and growth.

What Does An Academic Coach Do?
An academic coach is someone who specializes in developing a student to optimize their performance, leadership skills, and more effectively manage the increased stress students go through.

What Is The Main Focus In Our Program?
The focus is on improving performance by helping students to develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills and behaviors.
Academic Coaching Is:
● Gathering and giving feedback
● Identifying development opportunities
● Building awareness
● Facilitating solutions by asking powerful questions
● Setting goals and creating action plans
● Facilitating learning
● Supporting and encouraging over the long term
● Monitoring progress & holding others accountable

Academic Coaching Is Not:
● Telling, Teaching, or Giving Advice
● Counseling, Therapy, or Consulting
● Correcting Mistakes
● Managing Performance
● Solely focused on fixing problem behavior
● Mentoring